• VERSION 188 (Beta 11 Dec, live 18/19 Dec)

  • This version brings a lot of small tweaks, improvements and additions, whilst we are also preparing for the big jump to the new hosting provider and continue working on the new version of the Dashboard.


    The current hosting environment could not live up to our standards and that’s why we decided to switch to a new provider to build us the environment that is ready for the future.

    Big thanks to Chassé to be the first to run their production site on that new hosting environment. After being live for several weeks now, we were able to optimize and now feel we are ready to start migrating everyone to the new environment. The coming months we will move everyone, and for those who manage their own DNS we will need your help doing so.


    For those who missed it: we are also investing in a new version for the Dashboard. First phase is porting all existing functionality to the version (and improving them as we go), next phase will be completely new modules and exciting, improved ways of working. We hope to share more about that somewhere in 2024.

    You can enable ‘Beta access to the new Dashboard’ (click on your username in the Dashboard when logged in) if you want to follow the progress and check the converted modules.


    • A new parameter is available for the highlight part on the homepage, to force any banner to show a beautiful boxed big image. Use parameter ‘variant’ and set it to ‘hd-card’. Also good to know: You can use the highlight part on other parts of your website aswell. Coop Live uses it on their "What's on" page. 
    • Also for the homepage, the event slider part now supports multiple genres and tags (this works as an OR operator).
    • The People parts on the production page offers more flexibility: if you use same the part layout for several clusters of people, each part can have different styling, color, etc.
    • Everywhere were productions are shown, if all events within a production have the same status, the main production button fold-out now also shows that status when all events are in the past - the entire production now shows ‘in the past’ in stead of ‘show dates’.
    • Both ‘FAQ/Collapsing Parts’ and the editor-based accordions now use the same styling and have improved animations.
    • Showcase banner split variant now has a better crop that fits the showcase layout better.
    • We have improved handling of bounces when using the Query Builder for mailings. You will see the number of mails sent will be slightly lower, as we no longer send mailings to email addresses that have bounces too many times. This is important for our mail server reputation in the fight against spam.
    • The mailings themselves have seen some tweaks and improvements, most visual is horizontal cards now have an > icon instead of a button.
    • The Event feed in the Peppered API now offers separate lists for genres and tags.
  • VERSION 187 (Beta 20 Nov, live 27/28 Nov)

    Version 187 contains a number of minor updates and tweaks, but also some nice new visual functionalities.


    From now on it is possible to add drop-down/fold out fields (accordion) directly in the text editor. This means that these fields can be added not only on pages but also in all other places where text is located. For example on a production page or create a FAQ within a library part to reuse on multiple pages!


    We developed a new look for the main menu. Where the menu shortcuts are left aligned, the logo is centered in the middle and on the right side you will find the account fields and the hamburger menu. A nice streamlined look with focus on the logo. Ask our experts to set up this menu for you.


    The Page Parts continue to expand. New in the family: The “Event List” Part. Previously if you wanted to feature events on a page, you would likely use the ”event (via themes)” event (via people)” part, or maybe even “related productions” when you are really serious in linking stories and productions. 

    The latest option in this family is the brand new “Events list” part. You can make a selection of events based on performance date, genre, location or production type, for example. There is paginations options too. Pretty much everything you can configure and filter in your regular calendar page can be applied in this part too. A list of all parameters can be found here.


    Mollie Connect is the latest version of Mollie integration. This new version is once again more secure because the Peppered environment is now truly connected to the client Mollie account with a new application. This app uses an OAuth connection. Mollie Connect enables us to develop new features in the future, like cancellations. Read more about Configuring Mollie Connect in our manual.



    • At the event level you can indicate whether you want to sell tickets Securely by means of a checkbox. When the checkbox is checked, a visitor is required to be logged in when purchasing tickets and the 'deliver tickets at home' option will not be available.
    • X (formerly Twitter) will no longer be available in Narrowcasting. This is due to new policy from X itself.
    • We have added a new Template text to the Template Texts library. From now on you can indicate which text is shown between the lowest and highest price in a price range. Previously, a dash was placed automatically. Now you can, for example, choose to show the word ‘up to’. Use the Template text: FE3_priceFormat_separatorRange

  • VERSION 186 (Beta 30 Oct, live 6 Nov)

    We are really, really close to the first implementations to go live on the new hosting environment! Next to all the work that that requires, we have an exciting new step for the mailings and offer a sneak peak to the next version of the Dashboard.


    Whilst we are designing and implementing the new Mailings for many users, we also continue to work on the template technology itself. By very popular demand, the 2-column parts in mailings now switch to single column for smaller screens!

    Also many other additional improvements were made, like better use of white space, new social icons in the footer and the new option of a brief line of text above the header using the ‘Preamble’ field. Place any text in that preamble, or create a ‘view this mail online’-link to direct visitors to the online version of the newsletter when it’s not correctly displayed in the mail browser. Use '[!view!]' in place of a URL to do this. This will automatically create a unique link for every user.



    Additionally, it’s now also possible to change the button labels for newsletters via the Template Text module. In this way, the text on your buttons on the site and in your mails will differ.


    We are hard at work on a whole new version of the Dashboard, which will have several improvements and enhances the working experience with Peppered.

    Even though it's still in development, you can take a sneak preview! Enable the beta preview in your dashboard account (just click on your personal icon or name). After enabling it, you can check out modules that have a little ‘NEW’ sticker attached to them. We'll keep working on this in the next couple of sprints and we'd love to hear your thoughts on it.

    The plan for this new Dashboard is to first port all current modules and the way they work over, with small enhancements, and later completely rebuild modules and tasks.




    • Good to know: Labels (on page parts) are now called Anchors.
    • At a Production page on your site, the Event’s date (or the date range in case the Production contains multiple Events) is now visible in the sticky header.
    • There is a new parameter to hide the drop-down with all the Events within a Production from the agenda overview. Via ‘Routes & Parts’ > ‘Events (main)’ you can add the 'noSubEvents' parameter and set it to 'true' to achieve this. The Production button would then not fold out all event dates, but it will direct you to the detail page instead.
    • It’s now also possible to style the Grid layout of the People Module. Ask us to add different styling to People cards in a grid with images and in a grid without images.
    • You can now use square crops for various cards (such as cards for Stories, Suggestions, etc.). This can be easily done by using the new parameter ‘crop’, which then needs to be set to ‘square’.

  • VERSION 185 (Beta 9 Oct, live 16 Oct)


    There’s a brand-new filter in the Query Builder available. It was already possible to filter your visitors according to the Productions or Events they had purchased. We have added a similar filter, but inverted. As a result, this one enables you to group together all of your visitors who have NOT yet purchased tickets for a certain Production or Event.

    The new filter can be used, for instance, to promote a performance for which there are still tickets available. If you want to include multiple performances, you can add the same filter again while selecting another Event or Production. By combining it with other filters in the Query Builder, you may increase its power even further. For instance, you can advertise your Event to people who are likely to be interested in this performance by including the Visitor Tag filter.

    You can find more information on how to use this filter in the Query Builder manual.



    You can now build responsive tables using the rich text editor! A ‘2 Column Grid’ and a ‘3 Column Grid’ are two new options that can be found in the dashboard's rich text editor. Create a list in the text editor with three bullets and then select the new ‘3 Column Grid’ option. Likewise, you can create a list with two bullet points and select the ‘2 Column Grid’. The text will now automatically appear in two or three responsive columns on your website! Read all about it in the 'Layout options of the text editor' manual.


    When you include multiple images in a Media Gallery, each image becomes clickable and, if no link is provided, opens in a larger pop-up. However, sometimes you don’t want that pop-up. That’s why we added the option to disable this feature: simply add the new ‘lightbox’ parameter and set it to ‘false’ in the Media Gallery you want to apply this to.



    It has become even easier to get some help while working in the Peppered dashboard. You can now find a ‘Help’ button in the bottom right corner of the dashboard. Click on it to open a widget of our service portal, with which you can immediately access the manuals or even contact our service desk, all without leaving the dashboard.




    • We recently introduced the Stories feed (JSON), with which you can share information from your stories with third parties. We’ve now made some changes to this feed to create a simpler data structure and a better list of images. In addition, the Stories feed now also contains the publication date (in UTC).
    • A couple of improvements have been made to the latest mail templates. Amongst them is the fact that only the dates, not the times, of Productions with multiple Events are shown. This is now in line with the website, where we changed this already with version 184 of Peppered.
    • We’re continuously improving the fundamentals of our CMS to keep you up to date with the latest technology. This release, we have modified the backbone of the website a bit by standardising data, which helps to improve the performance of your website.