The Cinemaplanner is a feature for venues with a busy movie schedule. It will show all movies for the upcoming 7 days in one view. 

It includes filtering per day, or multiple days, and has been designed mobile first from the ground up.

When your movies regularly play multiple times per week, this might be the feature for you. When you occasionally show a couple of movies, the Cinema Planner is slightly overkill and you risk a lot of empty spaces in the overview.


To set up the Cinema planner, just add the page-part "Cinema planner" to any page. It is good to go right away. 

Some tips

  • You can use the Cinema Planner as your main Movie calendar view. Just link your main Movie-menu item to this page. But be aware that it only shows the next 7 days. Everything further away will not be shown.
  • You could also use the Cinema Planner page as a separate feature next to your complete agenda, and use banners or other links to guide people to the page.
  • Add different parts to the Cinema Planner page. A header image and title are nice to have. But all other page parts can be added above or below the Cinema Planner to make your page complete.
  • Is the styling of the part not completely according to your liking as it is? We will gladly tweak it for you.
  • You can change the background color of the part. This is useful for it creates contrast between all the movies.
    A light grey between movies will usually do the trick, since each movie is usually on a white background.